Hey, I put together a script for URL actions very similar to the one from Alfred. It also works with {parameters}. Hope you find it useful.
// Menu: URL Actions "App"// Description: Add your urls and include parameters// Shortcut: cmd shift u// Author: Ashkan Hosseinilet { getUrl, getUrls, addUrl, removeUrl } = await lib('urls');let urlsChoices = () =>getUrls().map(({ name, url, id }) => ({name: `${name} (${url})`,value: id,}));let useUrl = async () => {let id = await arg('Use url:', urlsChoices());let { url } = await getUrl(id);const matches = url.match(/\{(.*?)\}/g);if (matches && matches.length) {const params = {};for (let key of matches) {key.replace('{', '').replace('}', '');params[key] = await arg(`Enter value for param ${key}`);}url = Object.entries(params).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {return acc.replace(new RegExp(`${key}`, 'g'), value);}, url);}exec(`open ${url}`);};let add = async () => {const name = await arg('Enter a URL name:');const url = await arg('Enter a URL address:');addUrl(name, url);await add();};let remove = async () => {let id = await arg('Remove url:', urlsChoices());removeUrl(id);await remove();};onTab('Use', useUrl);onTab('Add', add);onTab('Remove', remove);
also the urls module:
let urlsDb = db('urls', { urls: [] });export let urls = urlsDb.get('urls');export let getUrls = () => urls.value();export let addUrl = (name, url) => {urls.insert({ name, url }).write();};export let removeUrl = (id) => {urls.remove({ id }).write();};export let getUrl = async (id) => {const urls = await getUrls();return urls.find((obj) => obj.id == id);};