// Menu: New Post// Description: Create a new blog post// Author: Kent C. Dodds// Shortcut: command option control p// Twitter: @kentcdoddsconst dateFns = await npm('date-fns')const prettier = await npm('prettier')const YAML = await npm('yaml')const slugify = await npm('@sindresorhus/slugify')const {format: formatDate} = await npm('date-fns')const makeMetascraper = await npm('metascraper')const {$filter, toRule} = await npm('@metascraper/helpers')const unsplashTitleToAlt = toRule(str => str.replace(/ photo – .*$/, ''))const unsplashOGTitleToAuthor = toRule(str =>str.replace(/Photo by (.*?) on Unsplash/, '$1'),)const unsplashImageToPhotoId = toRule(str =>new URL(str).pathname.replace('/', ''),)const metascraper = makeMetascraper([{unsplashPhotoId: [unsplashImageToPhotoId($ =>$('meta[property="og:image"]').attr('content'),),],},{author: [unsplashOGTitleToAuthor($ =>$('meta[property="og:title"]').attr('content'),),],},{alt: [unsplashTitleToAlt($ => $('title').text())]},])async function getMetadata(url) {const html = await fetch(url).then(res => res.text())return metascraper({html, url})}const blogDir = await env('KCD_BLOG_CONTENT_DIR',`What's the path to the blog content directory on this machine?`,)const title = await arg({placeholder: `What's the title of this post?`,hint: 'Title',ignoreBlur: true,})const description = await arg({placeholder: `What's the description of this post?`,hint: 'Description',input: 'TODO: add a description',ignoreBlur: true,})const categories = (await arg({placeholder: `What are the categories of this post?`,hint: 'Categories (comma separated)',ignoreBlur: true,})).split(',').map(c => c.trim())const keywords = (await arg({placeholder: `What are the keywords of this post?`,hint: 'Keywords (comma separated)',ignoreBlur: true,})).split(',').map(c => c.trim())const unsplashPhotoInput = await arg({placeholder: `What's the unsplash photo?`,hint: 'Unsplash Photo',ignoreBlur: true,})const unsplashPhotoUrl = unsplashPhotoInput.startsWith('http')? unsplashPhotoInput: `https://unsplash.com/photos/${unsplashPhotoInput}`const metadata = await getMetadata(unsplashPhotoUrl)const frontmatter = YAML.stringify({title,date: dateFns.format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),description,categories,meta: {keywords},bannerCloudinaryId: `unsplash/${metadata.unsplashPhotoId}`,bannerAlt: metadata.alt,bannerCredit: `Photo by [${metadata.author}](${unsplashPhotoUrl})`,})const md = `---${frontmatter}---Be excellent to each other.`// prettify the markdownconst prettyMd = await prettier.format(md, {parser: 'markdown',arrowParens: 'avoid',bracketSpacing: false,embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto',htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',insertPragma: false,jsxBracketSameLine: false,jsxSingleQuote: false,printWidth: 80,proseWrap: 'always',quoteProps: 'as-needed',requirePragma: false,semi: false,singleQuote: true,tabWidth: 2,trailingComma: 'all',useTabs: false,vueIndentScriptAndStyle: false,})const filename = slugify(title, {decamelize: false})const newFile = path.join(blogDir, `${filename}.mdx`)await writeFile(newFile, prettyMd)await edit(newFile)
// Menu: Daily Story// Description: Write a quick story// Author: Kent C. Dodds// Shortcut: command option control o// Twitter: @kentcdoddsconst dateFns = await npm('date-fns')const filenamify = await npm('filenamify')const prettier = await npm('prettier')const storyDir = await env('DAILY_STORY_DIRECTORY',`Where do you want daily stories to be saved?`,)const story = await arg({placeholder: 'Write your story here'})const today = dateFns.format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')const date = await arg({input: today,hint: 'When did this happen?',})const title = await arg({placeholder: 'What do you want to call this story?',hint: 'Title',})const md = `---title: ${title}date: ${date}written: ${today}---${story}`// prettify the markdownconst prettyMd = await prettier.format(md, {parser: 'markdown',arrowParens: 'avoid',bracketSpacing: false,embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto',htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',insertPragma: false,jsxBracketSameLine: false,jsxSingleQuote: false,printWidth: 80,proseWrap: 'always',quoteProps: 'as-needed',requirePragma: false,semi: false,singleQuote: true,tabWidth: 2,trailingComma: 'all',useTabs: false,vueIndentScriptAndStyle: false,})const filename = filenamify(`${date}-${title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-')}.md`,{replacement: '-'},)await writeFile(path.join(storyDir, filename), prettyMd)
// Menu: ConvertKit > Lookup// Description: Query convertkit// Author: Kent C. Dodds// Twitter: @kentcdoddsconst CONVERT_KIT_API_SECRET = await env('CONVERT_KIT_API_SECRET')const CONVERT_KIT_API_KEY = await env('CONVERT_KIT_API_KEY')const query = await arg('query')let urlif (query.includes('@')) {const sub = await getConvertKitSubscriber(query)if (sub?.id) {url = `https://app.convertkit.com/subscribers/${sub.id}`}}if (!url) {url = `https://app.convertkit.com/subscribers?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=${query}&status=all`}exec(`open "${url}"`)async function getConvertKitSubscriber(email) {const url = new URL('https://api.convertkit.com/v3/subscribers')url.searchParams.set('api_secret', CONVERT_KIT_API_SECRET)url.searchParams.set('email_address', email)const resp = await fetch(url.toString())const json = await resp.json()const {subscribers: [subscriber] = []} = jsonreturn subscriber}
// Menu: Cloudinary upload// Description: Upload an image to cloudinary// Shortcut: command option control c// Author: Kent C. Dodds// Twitter: @kentcdoddsimport path from 'path'const cloudinaryCloudName = await env('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME')const cloudinaryKey = await env('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY')const cloudinarySecret = await env('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET')const cloudiaryConsoleId = await env('CLOUDINARY_CONSOLE_ID')await npm('cloudinary')import cloudinary from 'cloudinary'const cacheDb = await db('cloudinary-cache', {lastChoice: '', folders: {}})await cacheDb.read()cloudinary.config({cloud_name: cloudinaryCloudName,api_key: cloudinaryKey,api_secret: cloudinarySecret,secure: true,})const actions = {CREATE_NEW: 'creating new folder',REFRESH_CACHE: 'refreshing cache',OPEN_DIR: 'opening directory',}let chosenDirectory = await cacheDb.data.lastChoicelet lastSelectionwhile (true) {// if the last action was to create a new directory then we know the chosen// directory is new and has no folders otherwise we have to wait a few seconds// for the API to be prepared for us to make a request for the contents.const directories =lastSelection === actions.CREATE_NEW? []: await getFolders(chosenDirectory)lastSelection = await arg(`Select directory in ${chosenDirectory}`,[{name: '.', value: '.', description: '✅ Choose this directory'},!chosenDirectory? null: {name: '..', value: '..', description: '⤴️ Go up a directory'},...directories.map(folder => ({name: folder.name,value: folder.path,description: '⤵️ Select directory',})),{name: 'Open directory',value: actions.OPEN_DIR,description: '🌐 Open this directory in the browser',},{name: 'Refresh cache',value: actions.REFRESH_CACHE,description: '🔄 Refresh the cache for this directory',},{name: 'Create new directory',value: actions.CREATE_NEW,description: '➕ Create a new directory here',},].filter(Boolean),)if (lastSelection === '..') {chosenDirectory = chosenDirectory.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')} else if (lastSelection === '.') {break} else if (lastSelection === actions.CREATE_NEW) {const newFolderName = await arg(`What's the new folder name?`)const newDirectory = `${chosenDirectory}/${newFolderName}`const result = await cloudinary.v2.api.create_folder(newDirectory)delete cacheDb.data.folders[chosenDirectory]chosenDirectory = newDirectory} else if (lastSelection === actions.REFRESH_CACHE) {delete cacheDb.data.folders[chosenDirectory]} else if (lastSelection === actions.OPEN_DIR) {await openFolder(chosenDirectory)} else {chosenDirectory = lastSelection}}cacheDb.data.lastChoice = chosenDirectoryawait cacheDb.write()const images = await arg({placeholder: 'Drop the image(s) you want to upload',drop: true,ignoreBlur: true,})for (const image of images) {const defaultName = path.parse(image.path).nameconst name =(await arg({placeholder: `Name of this image?`,hint: `Default is: "${defaultName}"`,})) || defaultNameconst uploadedImage = await cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload(image.path, {public_id: name,overwrite: false,folder: chosenDirectory,})// If you have multiple files then this isn't really useful unless you have// clipbloard history (which I recommend you get!)await copy(uploadedImage.secure_url)}await openFolder(chosenDirectory)function openFolder(folder) {const encodedFolder = encodeURIComponent(folder)console.log('opening')return exec(`open "https://cloudinary.com/console/${cloudiaryConsoleId}/media_library/folders/${encodedFolder}"`,)}async function getFolders(directory) {const cachedDirectories = cacheDb.data.folders[directory]if (cachedDirectories) {return cachedDirectories}try {const {folders: directories} = !directory? await cloudinary.v2.api.root_folders(): await cloudinary.v2.api.sub_folders(directory)cacheDb.data.folders[directory] = directoriesawait cacheDb.write()return directories} catch (error) {console.error('error with the directory')return []}}
// Menu: Shorten// Description: Shorten a given URL with a given short name via netlify-shortener// Shortcut: command option control s// Author: Kent C. Dodds// Twitter: @kentcdoddsconst dir = await env('SHORTEN_REPO_DIRECTORY','Where is your netlify-shortener repo directory?',)const longURL = await arg(`What's the full URL?`)// TODO: figure out how to make this optionalconst shortName = await arg(`What's the short name?`)const netlifyShortenerPath = path.join(dir,'node_modules/netlify-shortener/dist/index.js',)const {baseUrl} = JSON.parse(await readFile(path.join(dir, 'package.json')))setPlaceholder(`Creating redirect: ${baseUrl}/${shortName} -> ${longURL}`)const result = exec(`node "${netlifyShortenerPath}" "${longURL}" "${shortName}"`,)const {stderr, stdout} = resultif (result.code === 0) {const lastLine = stdout.split('\n').filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0]notify({title: '✅ Short URL created',message: lastLine,})} else {const getErr = str => str.match(/Error: (.+)\n/)?.[1]const error = getErr(stderr) ?? getErr(stdout) ?? 'Unknown error'console.error({stderr, stdout})notify({title: '❌ Short URL not created',message: error,})}
// Menu: Twimage Download// Description: Download twitter images and set their exif info based on the tweet metadata// Shortcut: fn ctrl opt cmd t// Author: Kent C. Dodds// Twitter: @kentcdoddsimport fs from 'fs'import {fileURLToPath, URL} from 'url'const exiftool = await npm('node-exiftool')const exiftoolBin = await npm('dist-exiftool')const fsExtra = await npm('fs-extra')const baseOut = home('Pictures/twimages')const token = await env('TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN')const twitterUrl = await arg('Twitter URL')console.log(`Starting with ${twitterUrl}`)const tweetId = new URL(twitterUrl).pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0]const params = new URLSearchParams()params.set('ids', tweetId)params.set('user.fields', 'username')params.set('tweet.fields', 'author_id,created_at,geo')params.set('media.fields', 'url')params.set('expansions', 'author_id,attachments.media_keys,geo.place_id')const response = await get(`https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets?${params.toString()}`,{headers: {authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,},},)const json = /** @type import('../types/twimage-download').JsonResponse */ (response.data)const ep = new exiftool.ExiftoolProcess(exiftoolBin)await ep.open()for (const tweet of json.data) {const {attachments, geo, id, text, created_at} = tweetif (!attachments) throw new Error(`No attachements: ${tweet.id}`)const author = json.includes.users.find(u => u.id === tweet.author_id)if (!author) throw new Error(`wut? No author? ${tweet.id}`)const link = `https://twitter.com/${author.username}/status/${id}`const {latitude, longitude} = geo ? await getGeoCoords(geo.place_id) : {}for (const mediaKey of attachments.media_keys) {const media = json.includes.media.find(m => mediaKey === m.media_key)if (!media) throw new Error(`Huh... no media found...`)const formattedDate = formatDate(created_at)const colonDate = formattedDate.replace(/-/g, ':')const formattedTimestamp = formatTimestamp(created_at)const filename = new URL(media.url).pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0]const filepath = path.join(baseOut,formattedDate.split('-').slice(0, 2).join('-'),filename,)await download(media.url, filepath)console.log(`Updating exif metadata for ${filepath}`)await ep.writeMetadata(filepath,{ImageDescription: `${text} – ${link}`,Keywords: 'photos from tweets',DateTimeOriginal: formattedTimestamp,FileModifyDate: formattedTimestamp,ModifyDate: formattedTimestamp,CreateDate: formattedTimestamp,...(geo? {GPSLatitudeRef: latitude > 0 ? 'North' : 'South',GPSLongitudeRef: longitude > 0 ? 'East' : 'West',GPSLatitude: latitude,GPSLongitude: longitude,GPSDateStamp: colonDate,GPSDateTime: formattedTimestamp,}: null),},['overwrite_original'],)}}await ep.close()console.log(`All done with ${twitterUrl}`)function formatDate(t) {const d = new Date(t)return `${d.getFullYear()}-${padZero(d.getMonth() + 1)}-${padZero(d.getDate(),)}`}function formatTimestamp(t) {const d = new Date(t)const formattedDate = formatDate(t)return `${formatDate(t)} ${d.getHours()}:${d.getMinutes()}:${d.getSeconds()}`}function padZero(n) {return String(n).padStart(2, '0')}async function getGeoCoords(placeId) {const response = await get(`https://api.twitter.com/1.1/geo/id/${placeId}.json`,{headers: {authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,},},)const [longitude, latitude] = response.data.centroidreturn {latitude, longitude}}async function download(url, out) {console.log(`downloading ${url} to ${out}`)await fsExtra.ensureDir(path.dirname(out))const writer = fs.createWriteStream(out)const response = await get(url, {responseType: 'stream'})response.data.pipe(writer)return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {writer.on('finish', () => resolve(out))writer.on('error', reject)})}
// Menu: Update EpicReact deps// Description: Update all the dependencies in the epicreact workshop reposconst repos = ['advanced-react-hooks','advanced-react-patterns','bookshelf','react-fundamentals','react-hooks','react-performance','react-suspense','testing-react-apps',]const script = `git add -A && git stash && git checkout main && git pull && ./scripts/update-deps && git commit -am "update all deps" --no-verify && git push && git status`for (const repo of repos) {const scriptString = JSON.stringify(`cd ~/code/epic-react/${repo} && ${script}`,)exec(`osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate' -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script ${scriptString}'`,)}
// Menu: Open Project// Description: Opens a project in code// Shortcut: cmd shift .async function getProjects(parentDir) {const codeDir = await ls(parentDir)const choices = []for (const dir of codeDir) {if (dir.includes('node_modules')) continueconst fullPath = path.join(parentDir, dir)if (await isFile(path.join(fullPath, 'package.json'))) {choices.push({name: dir,value: fullPath,description: fullPath,})} else {choices.push(...(await getProjects(fullPath)))}}return choices}const choice = await kitPrompt({placeholder: 'Which project?',choices: [...(await getProjects('~/code')),...(await getProjects('~/Desktop')),],})exec(`code ${choice}`)
// Menu: Cloudinary upload
// Description: Upload an image to cloudinary
// Shortcut: command option control c
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
import path from 'path'
const cloudinaryCloudName = await env('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME')
const cloudinaryKey = await env('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY')
const cloudinarySecret = await env('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET')
const cloudiaryConsoleId = await env('CLOUDINARY_CONSOLE_ID')
await npm('cloudinary')
import cloudinary from 'cloudinary'
const cacheDb = await db('cloudinary-cache', {lastChoice: '', folders: {}})
await cacheDb.read()
cloud_name: cloudinaryCloudName,
api_key: cloudinaryKey,
api_secret: cloudinarySecret,
secure: true,
const actions = {
CREATE_NEW: 'creating new folder',
REFRESH_CACHE: 'refreshing cache',
OPEN_DIR: 'opening directory',
let chosenDirectory = await cacheDb.data.lastChoice
let lastSelection
while (true) {
// if the last action was to create a new directory then we know the chosen
// directory is new and has no folders otherwise we have to wait a few seconds
// for the API to be prepared for us to make a request for the contents.
const directories =
lastSelection === actions.CREATE_NEW
? []
: await getFolders(chosenDirectory)
lastSelection = await arg(
`Select directory in ${chosenDirectory || '/'}`,
{name: '.', value: '.', description: '✅ Choose this directory'},
? null
: {name: '..', value: '..', description: '⤴️ Go up a directory'},
...directories.map(folder => ({
name: folder.name,
value: folder.path,
description: '⤵️ Select directory',
name: 'Open directory',
value: actions.OPEN_DIR,
description: '🌐 Open this directory in the browser',
name: 'Refresh cache',
value: actions.REFRESH_CACHE,
description: '🔄 Refresh the cache for this directory',
name: 'Create new directory',
value: actions.CREATE_NEW,
description: '➕ Create a new directory here',
if (lastSelection === '..') {
chosenDirectory = chosenDirectory.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')
} else if (lastSelection === '.') {
} else if (lastSelection === actions.CREATE_NEW) {
const newFolderName = await arg(`What's the new folder name?`)
const newDirectory = `${chosenDirectory}/${newFolderName}`
await cloudinary.v2.api.create_folder(newDirectory)
delete cacheDb.data.folders[chosenDirectory]
chosenDirectory = newDirectory
} else if (lastSelection === actions.REFRESH_CACHE) {
delete cacheDb.data.folders[chosenDirectory]
} else if (lastSelection === actions.OPEN_DIR) {
await openFolder(chosenDirectory)
} else {
chosenDirectory = lastSelection
cacheDb.data.lastChoice = chosenDirectory
await cacheDb.write()
const images = await drop('Drop the image(s) you want to upload')
let renameSome = true
if (images.length > 1) {
const renameChoice = await arg('Do you want to rename any of these?', [
renameSome = renameChoice === 'yes'
for (const image of images) {
const defaultName = path.parse(image.path).name
const name = renameSome
? (await arg({
placeholder: `Name of this image?`,
hint: `Default is: "${defaultName}"`,
})) || defaultName
: defaultName
setPlaceholder(`Uploading ${name}`)
const uploadedImage = await cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload(image.path, {
public_id: name,
overwrite: false,
folder: chosenDirectory,
// If you have multiple files then this isn't really useful unless you have
// clipbloard history (which I recommend you get!)
await copy(uploadedImage.secure_url)
await openFolder(chosenDirectory)
function openFolder(folder) {
const encodedFolder = encodeURIComponent(folder)
return exec(
`open "https://cloudinary.com/console/${cloudiaryConsoleId}/media_library/folders/${encodedFolder}"`,
async function getFolders(directory) {
const cachedDirectories = cacheDb.data.folders[directory]
if (cachedDirectories) {
return cachedDirectories
try {
const {folders: directories} = !directory
? await cloudinary.v2.api.root_folders()
: await cloudinary.v2.api.sub_folders(directory)
cacheDb.data.folders[directory] = directories
await cacheDb.write()
return directories
} catch (error) {
console.error('error with the directory')
return []
// Menu: ConvertKit > Lookup
// Description: Query convertkit
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
const query = await arg('query')
let url
if (query.includes('@')) {
const sub = await getConvertKitSubscriber(query)
if (sub?.id) {
url = `https://app.convertkit.com/subscribers/${sub.id}`
if (!url) {
url = `https://app.convertkit.com/subscribers?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=${query}&status=all`
exec(`open "${url}"`)
async function getConvertKitSubscriber(email) {
const url = new URL('https://api.convertkit.com/v3/subscribers')
url.searchParams.set('api_secret', CONVERT_KIT_API_SECRET)
url.searchParams.set('email_address', email)
const resp = await fetch(url.toString())
const json = await resp.json()
const {subscribers: [subscriber] = []} = json
return subscriber
// Menu: Daily Story
// Description: Write a quick story
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Shortcut: command option control o
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
const dateFns = await npm('date-fns')
const filenamify = await npm('filenamify')
const prettier = await npm('prettier')
const storyDir = await env(
`Where do you want daily stories to be saved?`,
const story = await textarea({placeholder: 'Write your story here'})
const today = dateFns.format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
const date = await arg({
input: today,
hint: 'When did this happen?',
const title = await arg({
placeholder: 'What do you want to call this story?',
hint: 'Title',
const md = `---
title: ${title}
date: ${date}
written: ${today}
// prettify the markdown
const prettyMd = await prettier.format(md, {
parser: 'markdown',
arrowParens: 'avoid',
bracketSpacing: false,
embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto',
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',
insertPragma: false,
jsxBracketSameLine: false,
jsxSingleQuote: false,
printWidth: 80,
proseWrap: 'always',
quoteProps: 'as-needed',
requirePragma: false,
semi: false,
singleQuote: true,
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: 'all',
useTabs: false,
vueIndentScriptAndStyle: false,
const filename = filenamify(
`${date}-${title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-')}.md`,
{replacement: '-'},
await writeFile(path.join(storyDir, filename), prettyMd)
await cli("install", "~/.kit")
// Menu: New Post
// Description: Create a new blog post
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Shortcut: command option control p
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
const dateFns = await npm('date-fns')
const prettier = await npm('prettier')
const YAML = await npm('yaml')
const slugify = await npm('@sindresorhus/slugify')
const {format: formatDate} = await npm('date-fns')
const makeMetascraper = await npm('metascraper')
const {$filter, toRule} = await npm('@metascraper/helpers')
const unsplashTitleToAlt = toRule(str => str.replace(/ photo – .*$/, ''))
const unsplashOGTitleToAuthor = toRule(str =>
str.replace(/Photo by (.*?) on Unsplash/, '$1'),
const unsplashImageToPhotoId = toRule(str =>
new URL(str).pathname.replace('/', ''),
const metascraper = makeMetascraper([
unsplashPhotoId: [
unsplashImageToPhotoId($ =>
author: [
unsplashOGTitleToAuthor($ =>
{alt: [unsplashTitleToAlt($ => $('title').text())]},
async function getMetadata(url) {
const html = await fetch(url).then(res => res.text())
return metascraper({html, url})
const blogDir = await env(
`What's the path to the blog content directory on this machine?`,
const title = await arg({
placeholder: `What's the title of this post?`,
hint: 'Title',
ignoreBlur: true,
const description = await arg({
placeholder: `What's the description of this post?`,
hint: 'Description',
input: 'TODO: add a description',
ignoreBlur: true,
const categories = (
await arg({
placeholder: `What are the categories of this post?`,
hint: 'Categories (comma separated)',
ignoreBlur: true,
.map(c => c.trim())
const keywords = (
await arg({
placeholder: `What are the keywords of this post?`,
hint: 'Keywords (comma separated)',
ignoreBlur: true,
.map(c => c.trim())
const filename = slugify(title, {decamelize: false})
await exec(`open https://unsplash.com/s/photos/${filename}`)
const unsplashPhotoInput = await arg({
placeholder: `What's the unsplash photo?`,
hint: 'Unsplash Photo',
ignoreBlur: true,
const unsplashPhotoUrl = unsplashPhotoInput.startsWith('http')
? unsplashPhotoInput
: `https://unsplash.com/photos/${unsplashPhotoInput}`
const metadata = await getMetadata(unsplashPhotoUrl)
const frontmatter = YAML.stringify({
date: dateFns.format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
meta: {keywords},
bannerCloudinaryId: `unsplash/${metadata.unsplashPhotoId}`,
bannerAlt: metadata.alt,
bannerCredit: `Photo by [${metadata.author}](${unsplashPhotoUrl})`,
const md = `---
Be excellent to each other.
// prettify the markdown
const prettyMd = await prettier.format(md, {
parser: 'markdown',
arrowParens: 'avoid',
bracketSpacing: false,
embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto',
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css',
insertPragma: false,
jsxBracketSameLine: false,
jsxSingleQuote: false,
printWidth: 80,
proseWrap: 'always',
quoteProps: 'as-needed',
requirePragma: false,
semi: false,
singleQuote: true,
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: 'all',
useTabs: false,
vueIndentScriptAndStyle: false,
const newFile = path.join(blogDir, `${filename}.mdx`)
await writeFile(newFile, prettyMd)
await edit(newFile)
// Menu: Open EpicReact Repos
// Description: Open all the EpicReact Repos in VSCode
const repos = [
for (const repo of repos) {
// Menu: Open Project
// Description: Opens a project in code
// Shortcut: cmd shift .
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import os from 'os'
const isDirectory = async filePath => {
try {
const stat = await fs.promises.stat(filePath)
return stat.isDirectory()
} catch (e) {
return false
const isFile = async filePath => {
try {
const stat = await fs.promises.stat(filePath)
return stat.isFile()
} catch (e) {
return false
async function getProjects(parentDir) {
const codeDir = (await ls(parentDir)).stdout.split('\n').filter(Boolean)
const choices = []
for (const dir of codeDir) {
let fullPath = dir
if (!path.isAbsolute(dir)) {
fullPath = path.join(parentDir, dir)
if (fullPath.includes('/node_modules/')) continue
if (fullPath.includes('/build/')) continue
if (fullPath.includes('/dist/')) continue
if (fullPath.includes('/coverage/')) continue
const pkgjson = path.join(fullPath, 'package.json')
if (await isFile(pkgjson)) {
name: dir,
value: fullPath,
description: fullPath,
} else if (await isDirectory(fullPath)) {
choices.push(...(await getProjects(fullPath)))
return choices
const choice = await arg('Which project?', async () => {
const choices = [
...(await getProjects(path.join(os.homedir(), 'code'))),
...(await getProjects(path.join(os.homedir(), 'Desktop'))),
return choices
await edit(choice)
// Menu: Shorten
// Description: Shorten a given URL with a given short name via netlify-shortener
// Shortcut: command option control s
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
const dir = await env(
'Where is your netlify-shortener repo directory?',
const longURL = await arg(`What's the full URL?`)
// TODO: figure out how to make this optional
const shortName = await arg(`What's the short name?`)
const netlifyShortenerPath = path.join(
const {baseUrl} = JSON.parse(await readFile(path.join(dir, 'package.json')))
setPlaceholder(`Creating redirect: ${baseUrl}/${shortName} -> ${longURL}`)
const result = exec(
`node "${netlifyShortenerPath}" "${longURL}" "${shortName}"`,
const {stderr, stdout} = result
if (result.code === 0) {
const lastLine = stdout.split('\n').filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0]
title: '✅ Short URL created',
message: lastLine,
} else {
const getErr = str => str.match(/Error: (.+)\n/)?.[1]
const error = getErr(stderr) ?? getErr(stdout) ?? 'Unknown error'
console.error({stderr, stdout})
title: '❌ Short URL not created',
message: error,
// Menu: Twimage Download
// Description: Download twitter images and set their exif info based on the tweet metadata
// Shortcut: command option control t
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
import fs from 'fs'
import {fileURLToPath, URL} from 'url'
const exiftool = await npm('node-exiftool')
const exiftoolBin = await npm('dist-exiftool')
const fsExtra = await npm('fs-extra')
const baseOut = home('Pictures/twimages')
const token = await env('TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN')
const twitterUrl = await arg('Twitter URL')
console.log(`Starting with ${twitterUrl}`)
const tweetId = new URL(twitterUrl).pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0]
const response = await get(
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
const tweet = response.data
const {
extended_entities: {media: medias} = {
media: [
type: 'photo',
media_url_https: await arg({
ignoreBlur: true,
input: `Can't find media. What's the URL for the media?`,
hint: `Media URL`,
} = tweet
const [latitude, longitude] = geo?.coordinates || []
const ep = new exiftool.ExiftoolProcess(exiftoolBin)
await ep.open()
for (const media of medias) {
let url
if (media.type === 'photo') {
url = media.media_url_https
} else if (media.type === 'video') {
let best = {bitrate: 0}
for (const variant of media.video_info.variants) {
if (variant.bitrate > best.bitrate) best = variant
url = best.url
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown media type for ${twitterUrl}: ${media.type}`)
if (!url) throw new Error(`Huh... no media url found for ${twitterUrl}`)
const formattedDate = formatDate(created_at)
const colonDate = formattedDate.replace(/-/g, ':')
const formattedTimestamp = formatTimestamp(created_at)
const filename = new URL(url).pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0]
const filepath = path.join(
formattedDate.split('-').slice(0, 2).join('-'),
/\..+$/.test(filename) ? filename : `${filename}.jpg`,
await download(url, filepath)
await ep.writeMetadata(
ImageDescription: `${text} – ${twitterUrl}`,
Keywords: 'photos from tweets',
DateTimeOriginal: formattedTimestamp,
FileModifyDate: formattedTimestamp,
ModifyDate: formattedTimestamp,
CreateDate: formattedTimestamp,
? {
GPSLatitudeRef: latitude > 0 ? 'North' : 'South',
GPSLongitudeRef: longitude > 0 ? 'East' : 'West',
GPSLatitude: latitude,
GPSLongitude: longitude,
GPSDateStamp: colonDate,
GPSDateTime: formattedTimestamp,
: null),
await ep.close()
notify(`All done with ${twitterUrl}`)
function formatDate(t) {
const d = new Date(t)
return `${d.getFullYear()}-${padZero(d.getMonth() + 1)}-${padZero(
function formatTimestamp(t) {
const d = new Date(t)
const formattedDate = formatDate(t)
return `${formatDate(t)} ${d.getHours()}:${d.getMinutes()}:${d.getSeconds()}`
function padZero(n) {
return String(n).padStart(2, '0')
async function getGeoCoords(placeId) {
const response = await get(
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
const [longitude, latitude] = response.data.centroid
return {latitude, longitude}
async function download(url, out) {
console.log(`downloading ${url} to ${out}`)
await fsExtra.ensureDir(path.dirname(out))
const writer = fs.createWriteStream(out)
const response = await get(url, {responseType: 'stream'})
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
writer.on('finish', () => resolve(out))
writer.on('error', reject)
// Menu: Update EpicReact deps
// Description: Update all the dependencies in the epicreact workshop repos
const repos = [
const script = `git add -A && git stash && git checkout main && git pull && ./scripts/update-deps && git commit -am "update all deps" --no-verify && git push && git status`
for (const repo of repos) {
const scriptString = JSON.stringify(
`cd ~/code/epic-react/${repo} && ${script}`,
`osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate' -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script ${scriptString}'`,